Will Cologne or Perfume Kill Spiders? Find Out Here!

Written By: Ahmed Farah
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The high alcohol content in cologne can break down the outer layer of a spider’s exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim, and it’s important to note that many colognes do not have a high alcohol concentration.

As humans, we really do have a love-hate relationship with spiders. While they may be beneficial in controlling other pests in our homes, their presence can be super unsettling and even frightening for some people. Many of us are always on the lookout for ways to repel or eliminate spiders from our living spaces. One method that has been suggested is using cologne to kill spiders.

But does this method hold any ground?

Will Cologne Kill Spiders

Trust me I know just how much of a nuisance spiders can be in our homes. From creeping up on us when we least expect it, to making homes in the most random spots, these pesky creatures know just how to make us feel uneasy. And so many of us do wonder if cologne can be used as a way to kill spiders.

Cologne is a type of perfume that contains a high amount of alcohol. This alcohol content can be harmful to spiders. When sprayed directly onto a spider, the alcohol in cologne can break down the spider’s exoskeleton, causing it to dehydrate and eventually die.

However, it is important to note that cologne is not the most effective way to kill spiders. While it may work in some cases, it is not a guaranteed solution. Additionally, using cologne to kill spiders can be harmful to humans and pets if ingested or inhaled.

There are other ways to repel or kill spiders that are safer and more effective. For example, using natural spider repellents such as vinegar, mint, catnip, cayenne pepper, citrus, marigold, and chestnut can be effective in keeping spiders away. Additionally, using spider traps or hiring a professional pest control service can help to eliminate spiders from your home.

To learn about whether colognes are effective against ants, check out this article we wrote here!

Spiders and Scents

As humans, we really do like rely heavily on our sense of smell to navigate the world around us. And just like us, spiders also have a strong sense of smell and use it to detect prey, predators, and potential mates. But, the relationship between spiders and scents is a bit more complicated than ours.

Some believe that certain scents, such as perfumes or colognes, can repel or kill spiders. While there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim, some scents may have an effect on spiders.

For example, some essential oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, have a strong scent that spiders may find unpleasant. I use these oils as a natural spider repellent that is pretty effective in keeping spiders away from certain areas of your home.

On the other hand, some scents may actually attract spiders. Spiders are attracted to areas with high insect activity, so if you wear a perfume or cologne containing sweet or fruity scents, you may unintentionally attract spiders.

It’s important to note that while some scents may have an effect on spiders, they are not a guaranteed solution for spider control. Other methods, such as sealing cracks and crevices in your home and removing clutter, may be more effective in preventing spiders from entering your living space.

To learn more about essential oils and their uses, look out for our article here!

Scents That Spiders Dislike

I’ve already discussed how I like to use Peppermint Essential oil as a repellent against spiders, and there are quite a few other ingredients that can be effective too. Spiders have a really strong sense of smell, and certain scents can be used to deter them. Here are some scents that spiders dislike:

  1. Citrus. Spiders are repelled by the strong scent of citrus. Cologne which contains citrus notes, such as lemon or orange, can be effective in keeping spiders away.
  2. Peppermint. The super strong, minty scent of peppermint is another scent that spiders dislike. Cologne which contains peppermint oil can be effective in repelling spiders.
  3. Tea Tree. Tea tree oil has a strong scent that spiders dislike. Cologne which contains tea tree oil can be effective in keeping spiders away.
  4. Lavender. Lavender has a sweet, floral scent that humans love, but spiders dislike. Cologne which contains lavender oil can be effective in repelling spiders.
  5. Rose. The sweet, floral scent of rose is another scent that spiders dislike. Cologne which contains rose oil can be effective in keeping spiders away.
  6. Cinnamon. Cinnamon has a strong, spicy scent that spiders dislike. Cologne which contains cinnamon oil can be effective in repelling spiders.

It’s important to note that while these cologne ingredients can be effective in repelling spiders, they are not a guaranteed solution. It’s also important to use caution when using any type of cologne or essential oil around pets, as some oils can be toxic to animals.

How To Get Rid Of Spiders Safely

So now that we have covered that Colognes and Perfumes are absolutely NOT the best ways to get rid of Spiders. Not only are they often ineffective, but you are wasting some super valuable sprays of joy as well.

So what are some of the tried, tested, and safest ways of getting rid of spiders, without having to waste your bottle of Sauvage?

Identify and Seal Entry Points:

The first step in spider control is identifying how these eight-legged intruders are getting into your space. Check for cracks, gaps, and openings in doors, windows, and walls. Seal these entry points to prevent spiders from entering your home.

Keep Your Space Clean:

Spiders often come indoors in search of prey. Regularly clean your home to eliminate other insects that spiders feed on. Vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting can help reduce their food source.


Spiders tend to seek out quiet, undisturbed areas to build their webs. Reduce clutter in storage areas, basements, and garages to make these spaces less appealing to them.

Natural Repellents:

In addition to perfume, consider using natural spider repellents like essential oils. Scents such as peppermint, citrus, and lavender can discourage spiders from setting up camp in your space.

Install Window Screens:

Make sure your windows have screens to prevent spiders from entering through open windows. I find this is a simple yet effective measure.

Use Spider Catchers:

If you’re uncomfortable with killing spiders or have concerns about toxic chemicals, consider using a spider catcher. These devices allow you to safely capture and release spiders outdoors.

Consult a Professional:

If you have a severe spider infestation or are dealing with venomous species, it’s best to consult a pest control professional. They have the expertise and tools to deal with spiders safely and effectively.

Using Perfumes, Colognes, or Deodorants Against Spiders.

The high alcohol content in perfumes and deodorants can break down the waxy outer layer of a spider’s exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and eventually die. However, this process can take a while, and it is not an efficient way to get rid of spiders.

Moreover, using perfumes and deodorants to kill spiders can be harmful to you and your pets. Inhaling the fumes can cause respiratory problems, and the chemicals can be toxic if ingested. Therefore, it is best to avoid using these products as spider repellents.

Now, from a little research, we can see that you can use scents that spiders hate, such as vinegar, mint, catnip, cayenne pepper, citrus, marigold, and chestnut. You can use these scents in various ways, such as:

  • Spraying vinegar or citrus juice around your home
  • Planting mint, catnip, marigold, or chestnut in your garden
  • Sprinkling cayenne pepper around your windows and doors

These scents are natural and safe, and they can effectively repel spiders without harming you or your pets.


Here at CologneKingdom, we would never suggest or support the use of Colognes or any other material to be used to harm any animal or insect. To learn more about the preservation of Spiders and how best to treat them, check out this article here!

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About The Author

A cologne lover and reviewer, Ahmed has reviewed over 45 colognes on the site. Finding the best perfumes and colognes for our audience, review and ranking them as well as looking at all types of data, from price, longevity, silage to uniqueness.

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